
Anna Abrell is a postgraduate at the London College of Fashion studying MA Strategic Fashion Marketing. She currently works in the London branch of Decoded Fashion where she assists the event director, writes articles about current fashion/tech trends and handles part of the social media. Anna previously interned at Matthew Williamson under the head of digital, Rosanna Falconer. She studied psychology and business administration at undergraduate level and her main interests include luxury fashion marketing, omni-channel, e- and m-commerce and all things that combine fashion, technology and digital. Anna is German and Swiss, and currently calls London her home.


  1. I dunno though, I wish they would switch it up a bit. It’s always the same people, with the same style of photography. Ferragamo did something similar a few months ago. The Blonde Salad- yaaaawn! I would rather it was people who actually know and wear the brand or can offer a creative take on it (just sayin…)


This essentially can be understood as a similar principal to resistance training, each step becomes more than simply just a step but effectively a mini workout or that is how Skechers have tried to market the technology in the Shape Up and Tone Up ranges of shoes. Muller also observed that they would have to balance with each single step but what really inspired Muller to develop MBT was the fact that he frequently suffered from back ache which could be relieved temporarily by walking barefoot over soft surfaces like paddy fields whilst he was in Africa.
I started wearing shape ups because I had a bad arch which developed into a club foot. I could barely walk. When I started wearing shape ups the pain was gone and they are the only reason I can walk now. If you file these bogus lawsuits because you can not balance yourself and try to blame shoes you will be hurting me and many others I know that can only walk because of these shoes. I have been wearing these since they first came out and I love them.
The lawsuit was filed by attorney Ron Johnson from the lawfirm of Schachter, Hendy & Johnson in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Co-counsel for the lawsuit was Jay Vaughn from Florence, Kentucky firm of Busald, Funk & Zevely. The lawsuit alleges that the Plaintiff suffered stres fractures in both hips from wearing the Skecher Shape-up toning shoes.
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