
Anna Abrell is a postgraduate at the London College of Fashion studying MA Strategic Fashion Marketing. She currently works in the London branch of Decoded Fashion where she assists the event director, writes articles about current fashion/tech trends and handles part of the social media. Anna previously interned at Matthew Williamson under the head of digital, Rosanna Falconer. She studied psychology and business administration at undergraduate level and her main interests include luxury fashion marketing, omni-channel, e- and m-commerce and all things that combine fashion, technology and digital. Anna is German and Swiss, and currently calls London her home.


  1. I dunno though, I wish they would switch it up a bit. It’s always the same people, with the same style of photography. Ferragamo did something similar a few months ago. The Blonde Salad- yaaaawn! I would rather it was people who actually know and wear the brand or can offer a creative take on it (just sayin…)


Reebok refund cheques for the “hundreds of thousands of claim forms” filed should be mailed in the next few months, Vladeck said.
The FTC previously found that one Skechers advertisement contained an endorsement from a chiropractor—married to a Skechers marketing executive—who was paid to conduct research that found Shape-Ups were better athletic shoes than normal sneakers. He also didn't even really find that. In a roundabout way, because the Federal Trade Commission determined that Skechers' claims about the magic workout sneakers were false and misleading, Skechers agreed last spring to pay $40M to customers who had purchased the shoes between 2008 and 2012. (Technically, Skechers continues to maintain its innocence, and says it agreed to the settlement simply to avoid a drawn-out legal battle.
Then there are Skechers Shape-Ups, which are pretty similar to the MBTs: “rocker” sole, big wedge of material under the heel to “promote natural walking,” deliberate instability. They tighten abs, firm butts, and destroy cellulite. Armed with the Skechers Shape-Ups, folks can “get fit without stepping in a gym.” I’ll agree that a gym isn’t necessary for fitness, but strapping on a pair of magic non-shoes and standing there, or walking around the mall hoping for artificial instability to kick in won’t do it.