
Anna Abrell is a postgraduate at the London College of Fashion studying MA Strategic Fashion Marketing. She currently works in the London branch of Decoded Fashion where she assists the event director, writes articles about current fashion/tech trends and handles part of the social media. Anna previously interned at Matthew Williamson under the head of digital, Rosanna Falconer. She studied psychology and business administration at undergraduate level and her main interests include luxury fashion marketing, omni-channel, e- and m-commerce and all things that combine fashion, technology and digital. Anna is German and Swiss, and currently calls London her home.


  1. I dunno though, I wish they would switch it up a bit. It’s always the same people, with the same style of photography. Ferragamo did something similar a few months ago. The Blonde Salad- yaaaawn! I would rather it was people who actually know and wear the brand or can offer a creative take on it (just sayin…)


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According to the trade commission, however, Skechers failed to disclose that Dr. Gautreau was married to a Skechers marketing executive, that he was paid to carry out the research and that his study did not produce the findings that he promoted in the ad. The trade commission said in court documents that Dr. Gautreau conducted two of the four studies that Skechers claimed were independent.
My take? I just find it all absurd, to be honest; a battle over which is the lesser of two evils. It’s like those studies purporting to show the benefits of “healthy” whole grains by pitting them against refined, processed grains. Or the study that showed ankle taping provides better ankle stability in people who wear athletic footwear, while completely glossing over the fact that athletes wearing no shoes and no tape performed best and evinced the highest level of foot position awareness (the key determinant in susceptibility to ankle sprains). Neither choice is optimal.
“We clearly understood from the beginning that we were a lifestyle company trying to emerge with a new arm into performance footwear,” Higgins says. “The other companies have always had that heritage, so we have had to overcompensate to a degree and that’s what we’ve been able to do with Meb.”
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